Після революції М.Заньковецька брала активну участь у становленні нового українського театру. Вона очолювала Народний театр у Ніжині. Разом з Саксаганським організувала Народний театр у Києві, на базі якого у 1922 році було створено Театр ім.Заньковецької
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Biography Taras Shevchenko was born on February 25, 1814 in Morintsa's village of the Zvenigorod district of the Kiev province in a family of the serf landowner Vasily Engelgardt. His mother died in 1823. The same year the father married again the widow who had three children. It concerned Taras severely. To 9-year age Taras was in charge of the elder sister Ekaterina, the girl kind and gentle. Soon she married. In 1825 when Shevchenko went the 12th year, his father died. From now on difficult nomadic life of the street child begins
Taras Shevchenko's birthday with loved to write and draw. As a child, he often hid in the weeds and small paper wrote poetry or painted.
Years 1840 — 1846 — the best in Shevchenko's life. During this period his poetic talent blossomed. In 1840 there was under the name "Kobzar" a small collection of its poems.
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