література рідного краю
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Anatoly Kryvolap Anatoly Kryvolap, the most successful artist of Ukraine. Part of these paintings are national records: the middle of the canvas is on sale for thousand. The status of a "find-spy", having re-created Krivolap's robots into a binding object, the decor is very small, cabinets and the most successful spirits, and his name is a brand.
Ivan Marchuk Happy Ukrainian geniy - tse about Ivan Marchuk. The British Navit included it before the list of "100 geniuses of participation" in 2007, in which, before the speech, the United Ukrainian. The same cholov_k, from his hour to the imaginative master, is a new method, which has been baptized by "plyontism".
Mikhailo Vrubel Ukrainian and Moscow artist-symbolist of the Danish-Polish promenade. Visnachny master of watercolor and oil painting. Robiv of illustrations to books, monumental robots, portraits, choking scenography. In the skin of the galuzei, the masterpieces have been overlaid by the masterpieces. Vidomy with his own designations of the Church of St. Cyril at Kiev. Nayvidomisha painting - "Demon"
Mykola Pimonenko Ukrainian artist-painter, academician of painting of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, Member of the Paris International Academy of Arts and Literature, author of many paintings on silk and miscellaneous subjects. Vіdomy with his pictures, like zmalvuyu Kiev. One of the most popular robots is "Kyivska kvitkarka", yaka maє kіlka options vikonannya.
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich krainian Radianskiy avant-garde artist of Ukrainian-Polish promenade, one of the forerunners of new direct lines in abstract art - suprematism and cubo-futurism, teacher, theorist of art. Nayvidomisha yogo painting - "Black square"
Vasil Ivanovich Lopata Ukrainian artist and prose writer. The shovel opened close seven hundred creatures of the imaginative art. Pratsyun in the genre of graphics and painting. Vidomy, nipershe with his engravings. The same artist made out portraits, landscapes and ornaments on the first Ukrainian hryvnia for 1991 rock.
Viktor Sidorenko Robots of Viktor Sidorenko characterize yak yaskrav and expressive. Win is a candidate of arts and crafts and a professor of Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Art, as well as a sponsor of the Institute for the Problems of Happy Art.
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