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Презентація на тему:
Моя улюблена телевізійна програма

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Моя улюблена телевізійна програма

Завантажити презентацію

Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

I am watching different kinds of TV programmes. There are:a news programme,a show,a reality TV and others.But I like watching a talent –show:«Ukraine got talent».

Слайд 2

Welcome to talent-show: «Ukraine got talent»

Слайд 3

It TV programme for those, who likes:dance, music, drawing, gymnastic etc.

Слайд 4

Leading of this show is Oksana Marchenko.

Слайд 5

I watching this show, becouse I like singing,dancing.I want learn news.

Слайд 6

On this show people perform their talents.

Слайд 7

Jury of this show there are:

Слайд 8

Slava Frolova

Слайд 9

Igor Kondratiyk

Слайд 10

Vyacheslav Yzelkov

Слайд 11

Ektor Himenes Bravo

Слайд 12

This show going over different cities. There are:Odesa,Lviv,Donetsk,Kyiv and others.

Слайд 13

Many talent people come on this show.It is wonderful.

Слайд 14

Слайд 15

But in this show there are man pseud talent.

Слайд 16

If jury likes performance, then they say participant «Yes», but if performance dislike, they push a red button. An say participant «No».

Слайд 17

Directed by this show is Galyna Piliutikova. Producer: A channel STB. Many operators survey this show.

Слайд 18

I recommend this show, becouse this show is very interesting for those, who likes music, dance etc.

Слайд 19

This show is very interesting for me, and you?

Слайд 20

The End

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