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Презентація на тему:
Health. Формування компетентності в аудіюванні з англійської мови

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Health. Формування компетентності в аудіюванні з англійської мови

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

«Формування компетентності в аудіюванні» Школа молодого вчителя Семінар на тему:

Слайд 2

Тема: “ Health” Мета : вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, вживання лексичних одиниць у граматичних структурах з дієсловом should, Present Indefinite; сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення; заохочувати учнів піклуватися про своє здоров*я.

Слайд 3

Phonetic exercise Early to bed, Early to rise, Makes a person healthy, Wealthy and wise.

Слайд 4

What thing is the most impotant for you ? a car a gold a computer Health a cottage a ball

Слайд 5

Answer the questions: Do you want to be healthy? Do you like to eat fruit and vegetables? Do you do morning exercises and wash your face in every morning? Do you brush your teeth 2 times a day? Do you open your window, when you go to bed?

Слайд 6

Модальне дієслово “should” Модальне дієслово “ should” у розповідному реченні ставиться як частина присудка після підмета перед основним дієсловом. Наприклад : You should brush your teeth 2 times a day. So, let’s remember “ Health rules”. Make up the sentences, using ЛО.

Слайд 7

“ Health rules” should eat the teeth. drink much sweets. You brush healthy food. shouldn`t do exercises. go for a walk. watch TV too much.

Слайд 8

Let`s have a rest and singing a song “ Smile” It isn`t any trouble Just to smile. It isn`t any trouble Just to smile. So smile when you’re trouble, It will vanish like a bubble, It isn’t any trouble Just to smile.   It isn’t any trouble 2 times Just to laugh. So laugh when you’re in trouble, It will vanish like a bubble, It isn`t any trouble Just to laugh.

Слайд 9

Listening When you want to be healthy, You should eat slowly food. When you want to be happy, You should do everything good. When you want to be strong, You should keep fit. Don't eat fat food And everything is good!

Слайд 10

Please, prepare for listening to the text. Look at the pictures and try to guess what the text about.

Слайд 11

A B C D 1. You should brush your teeth 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes. 2. Sweets are very bad for your teeth. 3. You should eat fruits. 4. You should go to a dentist twice a year.

Слайд 12

Complete the sentences and read the text. You ______ 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes. Choose a good ________ . It shouldn`t be very hard. You should change your toothbrush every ________ months. Sweets and ______ are very bad for your _______ . You should eat _______ . And remember, you should go to a ________ twice a year.

Слайд 13

Look left, look right, Look up, look down, Look around. Look at your nose, Look at that rose, Close your eyes. Open, wink and smile. Your eyes are happy again!

Слайд 14

  Match the parts of proverbs. 1.After dinner sit a while, a)than medicine. 2.Health isn't valued b)after supper walk a mile. 3. Laughter is better c)you are always in a good mood. 4.If your health is good d)till sickness comes.

Слайд 15

It`s interesting for you to know “ Are you healthy” Test

Слайд 16

Thank you for your very good job! The lesson is over. Goodbye!

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