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Презентація на тему:
Ukrainian painter - Eugenia Gapchinska (Украинская художница - Евгения Гапчинская на англ.)

Завантажити презентацію

Ukrainian painter - Eugenia Gapchinska (Украинская художница - Евгения Гапчинская на англ.)

Завантажити презентацію

Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Eugenia Gapchinska by Fetischeva Lina, 10-C Ukrainian artist

Слайд 2

Biography Eugenia Gapchinska was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine in 1974. She is the fifth child of the family. At the age of five, she went to school.

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Biography At the age of 13, she became a student of Kharkiv Art College. Graduated from The Institute of Industrial Arts in Kharkiv, Eugenia Gapchinska made her internship at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg (Germany).

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Biography In 2000, Eugenia with her husband moved to Kiev.

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Biography In 2001, Eugenia started painting in the style that has made her famous today. She started to organize exhibits of her work in 2002.

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Biography At first these exhibits were in ordinary places like local restaurants. Since then her paintings have been exhibited in Ukraine, Russia, France, Belgium, England, the Netherlands, etc.. She also has galleries which show her paintings in both Ukraine and Russia.

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With unique and distinctive style her art-works are full of light and kindness. In her paintings, Eugenia tries to express joy, a good sense of humor, and optimism about the future. Style

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Famous characters

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Mozart Mona Liza

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Coco Chanel Yriy Gagarin

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Don Kihote

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Alice Nina Matvienko

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William Shakspire

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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Nikolai Gogol

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Covers of books

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Her paintings are even printed on t-shirts, pillows, cups, stamps, refrigerator magnets, etc..

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Case for mobile phone

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Refrigerator magnets

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I fell in love with her characters – funny little children-angels who savor chocolate and sausage and like posing in nice clothes!

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Eugenia Gapchinska is now one of the most popular Ukrainian artists!

Слайд 38

The End!

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