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Презентація на тему:
Мій улюблений письменник на англійській мові

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Мій улюблений письменник на англійській мові

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

My favorite writer Okhrimenko Diana

Слайд 2

Yesenin - a very interesting person. Clever, kind and fair. He started writing as a self-taught, and has become a world-famous writer.

Слайд 3

In his works Yesenin touched on many themes: love, homeland, nature, the revolution ... He wrote beautiful, sometimes avant-garde, sometimes romantic, sometimes angry and ironic, but always close and understandable to the reader the verses.

Слайд 4

Of all of his poetry I like the most about love poems Esenina. One of the best collections of his love lyrics is the famous series of "Persian motifs" (1924-1925). It reflected the poet's impressions of the trip to Azerbaijan.

Слайд 5

In her lyric poet he was trying to warn us that no native land, without its roots, man can not live.

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