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Презентація на тему:
Anthology of Humor in English Literature

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Anthology of Humor in English Literature

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Stylistic Peculiarities of J.K. Jerome’s Humorous Novel “Three Men in a Boat” Anthology of Humour in English Literature:

Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Stylistic Peculiarities of J.K. Jerome’s Humorous Novel “Three Men in a Boat” Anthology of Humour in English Literature:

Слайд 4


Слайд 5

THE AIM OF WORK Define the fundamental basis and the historical development of the British national and literary humour; To disclose the main peculiarities of humorous stylistic means of expression used by the English authors in general; To make the stylistic analysis of Jerome K. Jerome’s humorous novel “ Three Men in a Boat” in particular.

Слайд 6

The aim of our work was directed: To study the main factors that influenced the development of humour in the English linguistic and literary discourse; To define the main phases in its history; To disclose the peculiar features of the literary humour and exemplify them with the works of the British authors; To analyze the stylistic devices used to produce a humorous effect in the novel “ Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K. Jerome.

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Period: from the early times to Renaissance

Слайд 10

Period:the middle of the 16th c. - the end of the 17th c.

Слайд 11

Period: the beginning of the 18th century to our days

Слайд 12

Best comic masterpiece of English J. K. Jerome’s novel “ Three Men in a Boat”, published first in 1889 and remaining as popular today as it was more than 120 years ago.

Слайд 13

Brilliant humourous effect in “ Three Men in a Boat” is achieved by a wide use of different stylistic devices and literary means.

Слайд 14

The use of the literary means in “Three Men in a Boat” to produce humorous effect. 21% 28% 13%

Слайд 15

The great popularity and peculiarity of the English humour seem to lie: firstly, in the great potential of the English language to play with semantics and form (developed polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, paronymy, a great number of idiomatic expressions and short one-syllable words), with the help of which the most successful humour devices (irony, metaphor, register, ambiguity and wordplay) are created; secondly,in the the unconscious wish of the English people, stereotyped as rational and pragmatic, to avoid the rules and norms, which regulate their everyday life.

Слайд 16

The examples of irony ’Delights of early morning bathing’ (Jerome 23) ‘Heroism and determination on the part of J.’ (Jerome 100) the three friend‘s conversation concerning various diseases presented as ―’The cheery chat goes round’ (Jerome 181) We did not go into the realm of twilight; we went slap into that punt, where those three old men were fishing. (Jerome 121 – 2)

Слайд 17

The examples of metaphorical language The man they had got now was a jolly, light-hearted, thick-headed sort of chap with about as much sensitiveness in him as there might be in a Newfoundland puppy (Jerome 63); It was a glorious morning, late spring or early summer, as you care to take it, when the dainty sheen of grass and leaf is blushing to a deeper green; and the year seems like a fair young maid, trembling with strange, wakening pulses on the brink of womanhood. (Jerome 49)

Слайд 18

The use of register George told him that his appearance, after the course, did not seem a sufficiently good advertisement for the brand; and that he would prefer it out of a pump. (Jerome 132) This was hardly what I intended. What I had meant, of course, was, that I should boss the job, and that Harris and George should potter about under my directions . . . (Jerome 37)

Слайд 19

Pragmatics, Wordplay and Ambiguity ―Begin with breakfast. (George is so practical.) ―Now for breakfast we shall want a frying-pan – (Harris said it was indigestible; but we merely urged him not to be an ass, and George went on) ―a tea-pot and a kettle, and a methylated spirit stove. (Jerome 30) For the next four days he lived a simple and blameless life on thin Captain‘s biscuits (I mean that the biscuits were thin, not the captain) and soda-water . . . (Jerome 14)

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