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Презентація на тему:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The English Language

Слайд 2

Слайд 3

The English language The English language

Слайд 4

The English language About 20% of the world’s population speak English Most vocabulary in the modern computing is in English English is the language of rock and pop music Doctors and scientists find it easy to exchange their ideas in in English English is the language of politicians 75 % business letters are written in English

Слайд 5

The English language The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Canada New Zealand The United States of America Australia

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

KNOW WANT LEARNT Official name -The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Capital city – London Consists of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland Flag – Union Jack More interesting facts

Слайд 8

KNOW WANT LEARNT Union Jack Why does it look so?

Слайд 9

The flag of the UK is a combination of the flags of England (the cross of St. George), Scotland (the cross of St. Andrew), and Ireland (the cross of St. Patrick).

Слайд 10

the Union Jack

Слайд 11

KNOW WANT LEARNT Union Jack Why does it look so? The flag of the UK is a combination of the flags of England (the cross of St. George), Scotland (the cross of St. Andrew), and Ireland (the cross of St. Patrick).

Слайд 12

Название (обычно существительное) Inglish Описание (обычно прилагательное) foreign, native Действия study, listen, write Чувство (фраза) It’s important to know English Повторение сути communication

Слайд 13

Слайд 14


Слайд 15

British floral emblems

Слайд 16


Слайд 17

KNOW WANT LEARNT Official name -The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Capital city – London Consists of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland Flag – Union Jack More interesting facts Stonehenge British floral emblems London

Слайд 18

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