Скоро Великдень (Easter is coming!)
Завантажити презентаціюПрезентація по слайдам:
Paint - [peınt] фарбувати Suddenly - [‘sΛdnlı] раптом Come from - [kΛm from] з`явитися Run out - [rΛn aut] вибігти Pile - [paıl] купа Long ago in a small village the mothers had no money (не мали грошей) to buy for their children presents for Easter. They paint eggs with beautiful pictures and hidе (ховають) them in the forest near the village. When the children go to play in the forest on Easter Sunday, they see the eggs, but they don't know where they come from. Suddenly a bunny runs out from behind a pile of eggs and the children start shouting (починають кричати): "THEY ARE BUNNY'S EGGS!".
Home Work Ex.1, page 82 (WB) Нові слова записати у словник і вивчити їх. Навчитися читати лист до Білла
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