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Презентація на тему:

Завантажити презентацію


Завантажити презентацію

Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Countable nouns Things I can count Three oranges Two oranges

Слайд 2

SINGULAR: a + noun one + noun PLURAL: noun + -s COUNTABLE NOUNS potatoes a potato

Слайд 3

Uncountable nouns Things I can’t count

Слайд 4

We love to read books. countable Uncountable ? ? NOUN

Слайд 5

Please pass the salt. countable Uncountable 7-1 Let’s Practice ? ? NOUN

Слайд 6

We need some chairs. countable Uncountable 7-1 Let’s Practice ? ? NOUN

Слайд 7

Singular countable Uncountable There is a mango. I have an egg. There are some apples. I have some eggs. There is some sugar. He has some bread. Plural countable

Слайд 8

There is _____ banana in the recipe. a 7-3 Let’s Practice singular countable noun a an some

Слайд 9

There is _____ ice cream in the fridge. some 7-3 Let’s Practice uncountable noun a an some

Слайд 10

I need _____ water to wash my hands. some 7-3 Let’s Practice uncountable noun a an some

Слайд 11

unspecified quantity specified quantity I’d like some juice. I’d like a glass of juice.

Слайд 12

Some: Affirmative sentences: There is some money Any: Negative and Interrogative sentences: Is there any money? No, there isn’t. There isn’t any money

Слайд 13

I need _____ time to study. some 7-8 Let’s Practice some any

Слайд 14

There is _____ cheese. some 7-8 Let’s Practice some any

Слайд 15

There aren’t _____ horses in the field. any 7-8 Let’s Practice some any

Слайд 16

Слайд 17

Слайд 18

How much/ How many cars are there? How Many or How Much ? There are six cars!

Слайд 19

2. How much/ How many Sugar is there? There are three spoons of sugar

Слайд 20

3. How much/ How many pictures are there? There are six pictures.

Слайд 21

4. How much/ How many milk is there? There are two boxes of milk

Слайд 22

Слайд 23

Завантажити презентацію

Презентації по предмету Англійська мова