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Слайд 1

«Золотой век» Англии Учитель: Ковалёва Е.Д.

Слайд 2

«Раз Провидению было угодно поставить меня на это место, я сделаю все, чтобы исполнить свой долг в отношении моей страны…» Записи в дневнике Виктории

Слайд 3

Teacher: Kopitsina N.V.

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Queen Victoria was only 18 when she came to the throne and she had a lot to learn. Her reign had a rocky start. She thought that, as queen, she could do as she liked, and she quickly had to learn that she couldn't. Queen Victoria's reign spanned sixty four years, from 1837 - 1901. Queen Victoria is the longest reigning monarch in UK history.

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

. Who was Queen Victoria? When was Queen Victoria born? Where was Queen Victoria born? What name was she christened as? Do you know?

Слайд 8

When did Victoria become Queen? Who did Queen Victoria marry and when? How long exactly did Queen Victoria reign? Why did Queen Victoria wear black? Where did Queen Victoria live? What hobbies did Queen Victoria have? How did Britain change whilst Victoria was Queen?

Слайд 9

When did Queen Victoria die? Where is Queen Victoria buried? Who became the next King or Queen after Victoria? How many children did Victoria have?

Слайд 10

Who was Queen Victoria? Victoria was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1837-1901) and empress of India (1876-1901). Her reign was the longest of any monarch in British history and came to be known as the Victorian era.

Слайд 11

Queen Victoria was 5 foot (1.52 m) tall Did you know?

Слайд 12

Who were Victoria's parents? Victoria was the only child of Prince Edward (Duke of Kent) and Princess Victoria Mary Louisa of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. Prince Edward (1767-1820) was the fourth son of King George lll.

Слайд 13

Слайд 14

Did you know? Both Queen Elizabeth, the Queen today, and her consort (as her husband is known), the Duke of Edinburgh, are great-great-grandchildren of Queen Victoria.

Слайд 15

When was Queen Victoria born? Queen Victoria was born on the 24 May in 1819. Her father died eight months after she was born. Where was Queen Victoria born? Victoria was born at Kensington Palace, London.

Слайд 16

What name was Victoria christened as? Victoria was christened 'Alexandrina Victoria'. However, from birth she was formally addressed as Her Royal Highness Princess Victoria of Kent. Did you know? Queen Victoria's family nickname was 'Drina'.

Слайд 17

Childhood and School Victoria was part of a family of Germans, mainly called George, who came from Hanover. Victoria's first language was German. At three years old she learnt to speak English and French. Later she learnt to speak Hindustani because she was ruler of India as well. Victoria didn't go to school. She was taught at home. As well as learning languages, Victoria studied history, geography, and the Bible. She was taught how to play the piano and learned how to paint, a hobby that she enjoyed into her 60s.

Слайд 18

When did Victoria become Queen? Queen Victoria came to the throne when she was only 18 years of age on June 20, 1837. Her coronation was a year later on 28 June 1838.

Слайд 19

Who did Queen Victoria marry? At the age of 21, Victoria married her cousin, Albert of Saxe-Coburg Gotha, a German Prince. They married on the 10th February 1840 at the Chapel Royal in St. James's Palace. Victoria had nine children, 40 grand-children and 37 great-grandchildren, scattered all over Europe. Most of Queen Victoria's children married into other royal families of Europe

Слайд 20

Слайд 21

How long exactly did Queen Victoria reign? Queen Victoria reigned for exactly sixty-three years, seven months, and two days (June 20, 1837 - January 22, 1901). Queen Victoria is the longest ever serving monarch

Слайд 22

Why did Queen Victoria wear black? Her husband Albert died in 1861 at the young age of 42. She mourned his death for almost 10 years. For the rest of her reign she wore black.

Слайд 23

Where did Queen Victoria live? Queen Victoria had many homes. She lived in Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Osborne House (Isle of Wight) and Balmoral Castle. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live in Buckingham Palace.

Слайд 24

Слайд 25

Did you know? Victoria was known as the "Grandmother of Europe" because many of her children and grandchildren married into the royal families of other European countries.

Слайд 26

What hobbies did Queen Victoria have? Queen Victoria loved singing and she enjoyed painting and drawing. She loved going to the opera.

Слайд 27

Tasks for groups: ׀- test ׀׀- snowball ׀׀׀- cinquain colour

Слайд 28

How did Britain change whilst Victoria was Queen? Whilst Victoria was Queen there was a tremendous change in the lives of British people: Britain became the most powerful country in the world, with the largest empire that had ever existed, ruling a quarter of the world's population.

Слайд 29

The number of people living in Britain more than doubled, causing a huge demand for food, clothes and housing. Factories and machines were built to meet this demand and new towns grew up, changing the landscape and the ways people lived and worked. Railways, originally built to transport goods, meant people could travel easily around the country for the first time.

Слайд 30

Слайд 31

«У нас нет ни вечных союзников, ни постоянных друзей, но вечны и постоянны наши интересы, и защищать их – наш долг». Лорд Пальмерстон Палата Общин в парламенте

Слайд 32

Нравы викторианской эпохи Строгость, хладнокровное отношение к искусству и чопорность. Трезвость, пунктуальность, трудолюбие, экономность и хозяйственность ценились и до правления Виктории, но именно в ее эпоху эти качества стали нормой. Воскресные обряды, чтение Библии и семейные молитвы были обычным явлением почти до конца столетия.

Слайд 33

Did you know? Queen Victoria survived seven assassination attempts

Слайд 34

When did Queen Victoria die? Queen Victoria died on 22 January, 1901 at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. She was 81. Queen Victoria was survived by 6 children, 40 grandchildren and 37 great-grandchildren, including four future sovereigns of England: Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI.

Слайд 35

Where is Queen Victoria buried? She is buried in a mausoleum at Frogmore, Windsor.

Слайд 36

Who became the next King or Queen after Victoria? Queen Victoria was succeeded by her eldest son, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. He became King Edward VII.

Слайд 37

How many children did Queen Victoria have? Queen Victoria had 9 children.

Слайд 38

Слайд 39

The British National anthem God save our gracious Queen! Long live our noble Queen! God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us. God save the Queen!

Слайд 40

Gimn Velikobritanii

Слайд 41

Elizabeth ǁ is now the longest reigning British monarch since Queen Victoria. On 6 February, 2012 she celebrated the 60-th anniversary of her reign.

Слайд 42

Victoria -Born : May 24,1819 (London) -Died : January 22,1901 -Reigned :1837-1901 -The only child of Edward, Duke of Kent (son of George III.) and the last member of the Hanover ’s dynasty. -In 1840 married her cousin Prince Albert. -Gave birth to 9 chidren: 4 boys and 5 girls. (the Princesses Victoria, Alice, Helena, Louise, Beatrice ; the Princes Albert Edward, Alfred, Arthur, Leopold) -The longest reigning British monarch for over sixty-three years. .

Слайд 43

Мы полагаем, что деятельность королевы Виктории за время ее правления в Великобритании была очень значима для страны и ее народа, за что эту королеву чтят, как одну из величайших монархов Британии, и целая эпоха была названа ее именем.

Слайд 44

Queen Victoria became a national icon. Her reign is known as the Victorian era. Britain became the most powerful country in the world. It was a period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military change within the United Kingdom, and was marked by a great expansion of the British Empire.

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