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Презентація на тему:
"The Flood In Genoa"

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"The Flood In Genoa"

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

G E N O A Genoa is a beautiful city and an important seaport in northern Italy, the capital of the Province of Genoa and of the region of Liguria. The city has a population of about 608,000

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The city's rich in art, music, architecture and history. In 2004 it was called the Capital of Culture.

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HISTORY Genoa is a very ancient city. The first historically known people who lived in the area are the Ligures.

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W E A T H E R Genoa has a Mediterranean climate and the wettest months are October and November.

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Heavy Storms And Flooding Have Battled Northwestern Italy On Friday, November, 4 the Italian port city of Genoa was hit by floods during heavy rainfall.

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Up to 500 millimetres (20 inches) of rain fell in just a few hours overnight.

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Six people were killed, including two children by the flood.

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Over 50 people were saved from the floods by firemen in rubber boats

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Cars float in a Genoa streets. Lots of broken cars block the streets in the centre of the city.

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Hundreds of shops and buildings were flooded. Schools and museums were closed for a few days.

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Bridges were destroyed and trains blocked. The local airport was closed.

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Mud poured down from the hills sweeping away the fishing villages.

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The local government held a minute's silence on Wednesday for those who lost their lives in the floods.

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