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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

A question from Solange de Oliveira in Brazil: I'm learning English and I would like to know why we use the auxiliary "did" in the following phrases:  For example: Who did you meet (find, teach) yesterday? But we don't use "did" with the construction, "Who scared you?". Why isn't it "Who did scare you"? 

Слайд 3

Let´s take a sentence as an example: “Teodosio ate a lot of chocolate”.  In this sentence, “Teodosio” is the subject, and “a lot of chocolate” is the object.

Слайд 4

SUBJECT QUESTIONS If we want to make a question where the answer is “Teodosio”, the question would be “Who ate a lot of chocolate?” This question is looking for the subject of the sentence, Teodosio.

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

OBJECT QUESTIONS If we want to make a question where the answer is “A lot of chocolate”, the question would be “What did Teodosio eat?” This question is looking for the object of the sentence, “A lot of chocolate”. 

Слайд 7

We use did/do to form questions in present and past simple. What did Micaela sing? She sang a mariachi song. We don´t need to use did/do to form questions in present and past simple. Who sang the mariachi song? Micaela sang it. OBJECT QUESTIONS SUBJECT QUESTIONS

Завантажити презентацію

Презентації по предмету Англійська мова