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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Space idioms

Слайд 2

Starry-eyed / stars in your eyes full of emotion, hopes or dreams She was too starry-eyed about her future.

Слайд 3

it's not rocket science is easy to do or understand Come on Rob, it's not rocket science, all you have to do is open the tin and heat it up.

Слайд 4

Over the moon extremely happy and excited They're over the moon about their trip to Japan.

Слайд 5

(Living) on another planet what planet are you on? He thinks being a father is easy. What planet is he on? somebody's ideas are not realistic or practical

Слайд 6

the sky is the limit there is no limit to what somebody can achieve, earn, do With a talent like his, the sky's the limit.

Слайд 7

Reach for the stars / moon try to be successful at something that is difficult Her father always wanted Sylvia to reach for the stars, but Sylvia just wanted to play with her pets.

Слайд 8

once in a blue moon Very rarely We hardly ever go out these days, though once in a blue moon we might go and see a movie.

Слайд 9

Ask/cry for the moon to ask for something that is difficult or impossible to get or achieve The striking workers say they just want to be paid what they're worth. They're not asking for the moon.

Слайд 10

Ask/cry for the moon to ask for something that is difficult or impossible to get or achieve

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