Завантажити презентаціюПрезентація по слайдам:
Let’s practice the sounds - [æ] – actor, an actor; act, to act; actress, an actress. - [s] – audience, the audience; performance, a performance. - [eı] – famous, famous for; stage, a stage, to stage; entertainment. - [t] – tale, tell, theatre, ticket.
Find the translation An actor вистава an actress комедія to act розвага, забава famous ставити entertainment сцена, естрада a performance аудиторія audience знаменитий, відомий а comedy актор a stage грати, виконувати роль, to stage актриса
Write down the correct answers in your copy-books. Where was he was born? London Stratford Oxford When was he born? 1564 1664 1764 Who was king or queen of England at the time? -Henry VIII -Elizabeth I -James I Who do you think Paul and Sarah are? -School students doing a school project. -Tourists from America -Actors in a Shakespeare’s play.
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