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Презентація на тему:
My friend

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My friend

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

My friend Traits of character My friend Present Perfect Tense Song

Слайд 2

Good habits Bad habits She is very tidy She doesn’t leave Her clothes in the floor She always talks on the phone for a long time She never finishes a meal She often gets up very late on Sundays She listens her music loudly

Слайд 3

What traits of character does he have? He is … - serious - reliable kind hard-working

Слайд 4

What traits of character does he have? He is … -sociable -energetic active friendly

Слайд 5

What traits of character does she have? She is … emotional adventurous active - energetic

Слайд 6

What traits of character does he have? He is … bad-tempered forgetful aggressive bored

Слайд 7

What traits of character does he have? He is … serious disciplined neat clever reliable tolerant polite hard-working

Слайд 8

What traits of character does he have? He is … aggressive energetic adventurous emotional

Слайд 9

What traits of character does he have? He is … easy-going talkative optimistic brave

Слайд 10

Game “Snowball” Р1 – brave P2 – brave, emotional P3 - brave, emotional, neat P4 - …….

Слайд 11

Monday, the eleventh of November Class-work K A T E kind adventurous talkative easy-going

Слайд 12

Divide sentences into two columns according to their grammar tenses He is writing an exercise now. They are going to school at the moment. They have already come to school. She is cooking dinner now. He has never cooked dinner. She has just written an exercise. Present Continuous Present Perfect

Слайд 13

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Positive sentence HE SHE IT has Vɜ (ed )

Слайд 14

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE How do we form Negative sentence and Question ? We have finished our work. Have we finished our work ? We haven’t finished our work. She has cleaned the room. Has she cleaned the room? She hasn’t cleaned the room

Слайд 15


Слайд 16


Слайд 17

Complete the sentence using the Present Perfect Tense. Make negative sentence and question. The children ________ (eat) all the sweets

Слайд 18

Complete the sentence using the Present Perfect Tense. Make negative sentence and question. She ________ (just wash) her hair.

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