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Слайд 1

Our Body By Yvonne Brand

Слайд 2

What am I? I am a narrow, 7 metre long tube. I absorb nutrients and put them into your blood.

Слайд 3

What am I? I belong to the digestive and respiratory systems. I control the air that goes to the lungs and the food that goes from the mouth to the oesophagus.

Слайд 4

What am I? Foods mix with gastric juices inside me.

Слайд 5

What are we? We make saliva to mix with food.

Слайд 6

What am I? I take undigested food and turn it into faeces.

Слайд 7

What are we? We make saliva to mix with food.

Слайд 8

What are we? We are two organs that filter your blood and eliminate waste substances.

Слайд 9

What are we? We are small holes in the skin and sweat comes out of us.

Слайд 10

What are we? We are two tubes that come out of each kidney. We take urine from your kidneys to your bladder.

Слайд 11

What are we? We are inside the nose. We heat and moisten the air you breathe in.

Слайд 12

What am I? I am the tube that takes urine out of your body.

Слайд 13

What am I? I am a cavity that connects your pharynx to your windpipe. The vocal chords are here

Слайд 14

What am I? I am a bag where urine is stored before being expelled outside the body.

Слайд 15

What am I? I am a flat muscle under your lungs. I take part in the breathing process.

Слайд 16

What am I? I am a tube of about 10 cm long. I split into two bronchi. When you breathe, air travels through me to your lungs.

Слайд 17

What are we? We are two tubes that connect your windpipe to your lungs.

Слайд 18

What are we? We are two spongy pink organs. We are protected by your ribs and sternum. We take oxygen and put it in your blood. We take carbon dioxide and send it out of your body.

Слайд 19

What are we? We are two small tubes with round ends inside your lungs.

Слайд 20

What are we? Blood circulates through our tubes.

Слайд 21

What am I? I am a red liquid. I am made up of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

Слайд 22

What are we? We take the blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

Слайд 23

What are we? We are very thin vessels. We connect arteries and veins.

Слайд 24

What am I? I am in charge of pumping the blood to the whole body. I am a muscle behind your lungs.

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