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Презентація на тему:
The Present Simple Tense Теперішній простий час

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The Present Simple Tense Теперішній простий час

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Present Simple Tense Теперішній простий час

Слайд 2

The Present Simple Tense (Теперішній простий час) I We You They He She It V – verb (дієслово) V Vs S – третя форма дієслова write the letter write the letter write the letter write the letter writes the letter writes the letter writes the letter Present Simple для позначення звичайної регулярної дії

Слайд 3

The Present Simple Tense (Теперішній простий час) Questions and negations (запитання та заперечення) Допоміжне дієслово (дієслово, яке допомагає утворювать запитання та заперечення) Do Does I You We They He She It Стверджувальне речення I like to watch the films about animals Заперечне речення I do not (don’t) like to watch the films about animals Запитальне речення Do I like to watch the films about animals? Стверджувальне речення She likes to watch the films about animals Заперечне речення She does not (doesn’t) like to watch the films about animals Запитальне речення Does she like to watch the films about animals?

Слайд 4

The Present Simple Tense (теперішній простий час) В цьому часі використовуються такі прислівники, які вказують на частоту виконання дії Always – завжди Usually – звичайно Sometimes – іноді Often – часто Seldom – рідко Every day – кожного дня I usually read this book She always reads this book They sometimes read this book He often reads this book We seldom reads this book You read this book every day

Слайд 5

Питальні слова Wh-questions: When Where What Why Whose Who (запитання до підмета) При утворенні запитання до підмета допоміжне дієслово не використовується Допоміжне дієслово Підмет Основне дієслово He plays football every summer. We play football every summer. Who plays football every summer? Who plays football every summer? When do you go to school? Why does he study English?

Слайд 6

Exercises with the Present Simple Tense (Вправи) Поставте DO чи DOES в речення: … you write this letter? Kate …not read books. They …not like dogs. … he always come to school on time? … they drink coffee every day? He … not like tomato juice. … I usually eat breakfast? … they help their mother? … you go to school every year? Do does do Does Do does Do Do Do

Слайд 7

Exercises with the Present Simple Tense (вправи ) Відкрийте дужки: I (to go) to school every day. He often (to help) his father. They usually (to go) to the river. He (to sleep) every day. We (to drink) tea every morning. My mother (not to work) at the office. You (to work) every day? I (not to sleep) in the daytime. What you (to do) every morning? Where they (to go) on Sunday? She (not to drink) coffee after lunch. go helps go sleeps drink doesn’t work Do you work don’t sleep What do you do Where do they go doesn’t drink

Слайд 8

Exercises with the Present Simple Tense (вправи ) Поставте запитання до виділених слів: He often speaks English in class. They always come to school on time. Mary eats apples every evening. Where does he speak English? Where do they always come? What does Mary eat every evening? When does Mary eat apples? Who eats apples every evening?

Слайд 9

Exercises with the Present Simple Tense (вправи ) Утворіть заперечне речення : He often speaks English in class. They always come to school on time. Mary eats apples every evening. He doesn’t often speak English in class. They don’t always come to school on time. Mary doesn’t eats apples every evening.

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