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Презентація на тему:
St. Valentine’s Day

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St. Valentine’s Day

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

St. Valentine’s Day Презентацію підготували вчителі англійської мови Лисенко М.В. і Григор’єва Н.В. м. Енергодар, 2013 р.

Слайд 2

“A Нoliday of Friendship and Love” The theme: Thursday, the 14th of February

Слайд 3

5 28 19 22 1 14 12 20 20 14 9 27 5 4 1 25 19 Decode the name of the holiday:

Слайд 4

St. Valentine’s Day The name of the holiday is:

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Remember these words:

Слайд 7

Europe ['juərəp] Европа рriest [pri:st] священник Rome [rəʊm] Pим, Римская Империя Emperor ['emp(ə)rə] император

Слайд 8

protector [prə'tektə] защитник, покровитель Claudius II [klɔ:dɪəs ðə 'sekənd] Клавдий II Roman soldiers ['rəʊmən 'səʊldʒəz] римские солдаты

Слайд 9

Read the words: Europe ['juərəp] Европа priest [pri:st] священник Rome [rəʊm] Рим,Римскаяимперия Emperor ['emp(ə)rə] император Claudius II [klɔ:dɪəsðə'sekənd] КлавдийII Roman soldiers ['rəʊmən'səʊldʒəz] римскиесолдаты protector [prə'tektə] защитник, покровитель

Слайд 10

Слайд 11

Valentine's Day is a romantic holiday, which is celebrated on the 14th of February.

Слайд 12

People send greeting cards called valentines to those whom they love.

Слайд 13

The most popular presents on Valentine's Day are candies, flowers and other lovely things. 

Слайд 14

The holiday of Valentine's Day came to us from Europe. Legend says that this day was called Valentine's Day after a priest named Valentine.

Слайд 15

Valentine was a priest in Rome. The Emperor at that time was Claudius II.

Слайд 16

The Emperor ordered the Roman soldiers not to marry. They didn’t think about their families only about a war.

Слайд 17

Valentine secretly married young people. He helped them to be happy. But he was arrested.

Слайд 18

And the 14th of February we call St. Valentine’s day. After his death, Valentine was named a saint.

Слайд 19

Now it is a holiday for good friends, families and people who are in love.

Слайд 20

c Task 1

Слайд 21

Task 2 romantic

Слайд 22

Слайд 23

What do you think about the lesson? I liked to sing songs to get new information to learn new proverbs online meeting with friends to read and todo exercises the whole lesson your own answer I didn’t like to sing songs to get new information to learn new proverbs online meeting with friends to read and to do exercises the whole lesson your own answer

Слайд 24

Your hometask: 10 – 12 points Find and learn by heart a poem about friendship. 7 – 9 points Find a poem about friendship, write it down on a sheet of paper and make a design for it. 1 – 6 points Find a poem about friendship and read it for us.

Слайд 25

Thank you very much for your job! Happy St. Velentine’s Day!

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