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Завантажити презентацію

Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Some Common Errors in English Corrected

Слайд 2

Trainer’s Note: 1. Correct Syntax = Did + not + V1 (Present form of verb). Eg : I did not go (present form) I did not went (past form) 2. To talk about the past we use “would” Incorrect I didn’t knew that he will call Correct I didn’t know that he would call.

Слайд 3

Trainer’s Note: 1. Have = own BUT Some verbs are not used in –ing form and are known Stative Verbs. (Have + ing own = eating/drinking. Eg. I’m having a pizza) 2. Backside = your bottom! Incorrect We are having a garden in the backside of our house Correct We have a garden behind our house

Слайд 4

Trainer’s Note: “understand” is a Stative Verb. It does not take the –ing form. (See Slide 3). Understand + ing has different meanings (when not used as a verb): Understanding(noun) = knowledge. Eg: She does not have an understanding of politics. Understanding(adjective). Eg: My father is very understanding For more meanings, go to: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/understanding_3 Incorrect I am not understanding. Correct I do not understand. OR I am not able to understand.

Слайд 5

Trainer’s Note: “like” is a Stative Verb. It does not take the –ing form. (See Slide 3) Incorrect I’m liking my new hairstyle. Correct I like my new hairstyle.

Слайд 6

Trainer’s Note: “know” is a Stative Verb. It does not take the –ing form. (See Slide 3) Incorrect I was not knowing the answer. Correct I didn’t know the answer.

Слайд 7

Trainer’s Note: “sibling” is a gender independent term for a brother or sister. (Do not count yourself in “siblings”) Incorrect I have two brothers and sisters. Correct I have two siblings – a brother and a sister.

Слайд 8

Trainer’s Note: “My father” and “he’s a businessman” are two independent clauses coupled with a comma. Use the complete sentence in its place. Incorrect My father, he’s a businessman. My mother, she’s a housewife. Correct My father is a businessman and my mother is a housewife.

Слайд 9

Trainer’s Note: " told" is used with an object. Eg: She told me she is going abroad. "me" is the object. "said" is used without an object. Eg: She said she is going abroad. If said is used with an object then we should say "said to". Eg: She said to him that she is going abroad. Incorrect He said me to go Correct He asked me to go OR He told me to go

Слайд 10

Trainer’s Note: Always use the preposition “to” after “belong”. Incorrect I belong from Kashmir. Correct I belong to Kashmir.

Слайд 11

Trainer’s Note: Say and tell both mean to communicate verbally with someone. But we often use them differently: You say something You tell someone something Correct I’ll start by telling you something about myself. Incorrect I’ll start by telling something about myself.

Слайд 12

Trainer’s Note: “visit” is followed directly by a noun (name of the place) and not by preposition “to”. Incorrect I like visiting to the malls. Correct I like going to the malls. OR I like visiting the malls.

Слайд 13

Trainer’s Note: For is used with a period of time. Eg: for a month; for three hours etc. Since is used with a point of time. Eg: since six o'clock; since Wednesday etc. Incorrect I have been in Delhi since 5 years. Correct I have been in Delhi for 5 years. OR I have been in Delhi since 2002.

Слайд 14

Incorrect In my house, a fountain is there. Correct There is a fountain in my house. Trainer’s Note: “In my house” and “a fountain is there” are two independent clauses coupled with a comma. Use the complete sentence in its place.

Слайд 15

Trainer’s Note: “lot many” is not an English phrase. It is a form of ‘Indian’ism one should avoid. Incorrect Lot many people live in Delhi. Correct Many people live in Delhi.

Слайд 16

Trainer’s Note: too + adjective or adverb (eg: too close/closely) too much/many + noun (eg: too much money, too many people) Incorrect I am too much/so much close to my mother. Correct I am very / too close to my mother.

Слайд 17

Thank You !

Завантажити презентацію

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