Завантажити презентаціюПрезентація по слайдам:
Leonardo da Vinci was a great Italian artist and talented scientist in the period of the Renaissance.
masterpiece in the field of… hide (hid) numerous remarkable lovely Influential to be struck ховати впливовий бути враженим чудовий велика кількість шедевр у галузі гарний
possession reparation demand frame overall to hand watchman rightful рамка справжній власність комбінезон відшкодування охоронець вимагати передавати
During Great deal Really Striking Image Charming Bonny Resolve Some To own Compensation To claim In the period Numerous Truly Remarkable Portrait Lovely Beautiful Decide Few To possess Reparation To demand
Творити в епоху Ренесансу; зошит з малюнками; у галузі оптики; найвідоміша картина; мати її власний портрет; він витратив три роки; стояти годинами перед шедевром; працювати малярем; військовий трофей; законний володар.
To create in the period of the Renaissance; the notebook with drawings; in the field of optics; the best known picture; to have a portrait of herself; it took him three years; to stand for hours before masterpiece; to work as a decorator; a military trophy; a rightful owner.
He worked ___ the field ___ mechanics. She was struck ___ the beauty ___ the picture. The picture is not ___ the possession ___ the Italian people. People ___ different countries stand ___ hours ___ the picture. He hid it ___ his overall. (in, of, by, of, in, of, from, for, before, under)
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