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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

The topic of the lesson: Medicine

Слайд 2

Health care Parts of the body You go to the heart doctor You go to the surgeon You go to the dentist You go to the eye - doctor You go to the pediatrician You call the ambulance When yourheart hurts When your arm is broken When your teeth are bad When you have problems with eyes When you are 6 and have acold When you need the firstaid

Слайд 3

Pronunciation drill

Слайд 4

Five senses Hear Sight Touch Smell Taste

Слайд 5

Write the appropriate words next to their definitions. 1. a long strip of cloth which is put around a part of the body which has been hurt ___________ 2. putting a drug into the body using a sharp object ___________ 3. a medicine that people take in spoons _________ 4. a medicine in the form of very small pieces of grain _______

Слайд 6

5. a form made of the mixture of white powder and water, which becomes very hard when it dries _________ 6. a piece of paper where a doctor writes what medicine you need _______ 7. a client of a doctor, whether sick or not ______ 8. a person who helps the doctor in the office_______

Слайд 7

Ache, allergies, ambulance, common cold, cough, dentist, examine, flue, heart doctor, hurt, injection, pain, patient, rash, pediatrician, pills, pneumonia, runny nose, sneezing, stay in bed, stay on a diet, watery eyes, food poisoning Diseases symptoms treatment hospital

Слайд 8

Hearing Broken telephone Bad memory Writing Reading

Слайд 9

Pre-reading activities: (New words) Pressure - тиск Squirt - бити струменем Shed - втрачати Indestructible - незруйнований Shrink - скорочуватись Average - середній (кількість) While-reading activities: Divide parts of the text into words and sentences. Post-reading activities: Answering the questions

Слайд 10

Слайд 11

At the dentist’s

Слайд 12

A bad cold Calling in the doctor symptoms diagnose treatment Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2

Слайд 13

Backache My arms have parts that bend and move Every time I use them. Shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand Shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand Shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand And this is how I move them. My legs have parts that bend and move Every time I use them. Knee, ankle, heel, and foot Knee, ankle, heel, and foot Knee, ankle, heel, and foot And this is how I move them! My trunk has parts that bend and move Every time I use them. Neck, back, waist, and hips Neck, back, waist, and hips Neck, back, waist, and hips And this is how I move them! I'm made of parts that bend and move Every time I use them. Shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand Knee, ankle, heel, and foot Neck, back, waist, and hips And this is how I move them!

Слайд 14

Prescription Food poisoning Stress Greasy, sour, salty food What to do?

Слайд 15

Grammar review If Present Simple, Future Simple If I go, you will know… If I don’t go, you will not know…

Слайд 16

If you ___ a warm sweater, you ___cold in the evening. (put on, not be) The doctor says you ___ better soon if you ___these pills. (get, take) If he ___his leg, he ___in the competition. (break, not take part)

Слайд 17

___you ___ smoking if the doctor ___that you should?(stop, say) If we ___ the doctor questions, ___he ___them? (ask, answer) She (be)___ better if she (take)___ this medicine. I (come)___ to school when I (get)___ better.

Слайд 18

What can you recommend? Викликати лікаря Залишатися у ліжку Пити багато гарячого чаю Приймати виписані лікарем пігулки, каплі, мікстуру Спати коли хочеться Провітрювати кімнату

Слайд 19

Слайд 20

Thank you for the lesson!!!

Слайд 21

Homework: To interview your parents, friends of frequency of visiting a doctor and reasons to do it

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