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Презентація на тему:
Differences Between American & British English

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Differences Between American & British English

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Слайд 2

Differences Grammar Reason Pronunciation Spelling

Слайд 3

Reason 17th century England→America Noah Webster

Слайд 4

Noah Webster He published the first edition of his An American Dictionary of the English Language in 1828.

Слайд 5

Pronunciation Stress first-syllable stress in AmE second-syllable stress in BrE. laboratory[BrE]  la’boratory  [AmE] ’laboratory

Слайд 6

Single differences BrE AmE Words /iː/ /ɛ/ devolutionA2,B2, epochA2 /ɒ/ /oʊ/ homosexualB2, produce /ɑː/ /æ/ banana, javaA2 /ɛ/ /i/ leisureA2, medievalA2 /æ/ /eɪ/ compatriot, patriotB2 /ɪ/ /aɪ/ dynasty, privacyB2 /z/ /s/ diagnoseA2, erase /ɑː/ /eɪ/ amenA2, tomato /əʊ/ /ɒ/ progress wroth /ʌ/ /ɒ/ accomplice, accomplish, /ɒ/ /ʌ/ ofA2, fromA2, wasA2,

Слайд 7

/əʊ/ /ɒt/ Huguenot /əʊ/ /aʊ/ MoscowA2 /əʊ/ /u/ broochA2 /ɪ/ /i/ pi(t)taB2 /iː/ /ɪ/ beenB2 /iːʃ/ /ɪtʃ/ nicheA2,B2 /jɜː/ /ju/ milieu /juː/ /u/ barracuda, puma /ɔː/ /æ/ falconA2 /s/ /z/ asthma /ʃ/ /sk/ scheduleB2 /t/ /θ/ AnthonyA2,B2 /ts/ /z/ piazzaA2 /ʊ/ /u/ BuddhaA2 /ʊ/ /ʌ/ brusque, hummus /uː/ /aʊ/ routeA2 /uː/ /oʊ/ cantaloup(e) /ʌ/ /oʊ/ covertA2,B2

Слайд 8

/aɪ/ /i/ eitherA2,B2, neitherA2,B2, /iː/ /aɪ/ albino,migraine /ə/ /ɒ/ phenomenon /iː/ /eɪ/ theta, zeta /aɪ/ /ɪ/ minorityA2,B2, primer /ɛ/ /eɪ/ ateB2 /ɜːz/ /us/ chanteuse, masseuse /eɪ/ /æ/ patentA2,B2, comrade /ɒ/ /ə/ Amos, condom, /ʃ/ /ʒ/ AsiaB2, versionB2 /ə/ /oʊ/ thorough, /ɪr/ /ɚ/ sirupA2, squirrel /siː/ /ʃ/ cassia, CassiusA2 /z/ /ʃ/ Dionysius /ziː/ /ʃ/ transientA2, nausea /tiː/ /ʃ/ consortium /uː/ /ju/ couponA2, /eɪ/ /i/ deityA2,B2, Helene, /juː/ /w/ iguana, jaguar /ziː/ /ʒ/ Frasier, Parisian, /æ/ /ɒ/ twatB2 /ɒ/ /æ/ wrath /ɑː/ /ət/ nougat /ɑː/ /ɔr/ quarkA2,B2 /aʊ/ /u/ nousA2 /ð/ /θ/ boothB2 /diː/ /dʒi/ cordiality /dʒ/ /ɡdʒ/ suggestA2 /eɪ/ /ɛ/ nonpareil /eɪ/ /ə/ template /eɪ/ /ət/ tourniquet /ə/ /ɛ/ nonsense /ɛ/ /ɑ/ envelopeA2,B2 /ɛ/ /ə/ Kentucky /ə/ /æ/ trapeze /ɜː(r)/ /ɛr/ errA2

Слайд 9

1 Latin-derived spellings 1.1 -our, -or 1.2 -re, -er 2 Greek-derived spellings 2.1 -ise, -ize (-isation, -ization) 3 Dropped e 4 same meaning different words

Слайд 10

-our , -or British English : -our colour, neighbour, humour American English : -or color, neighbor, humor -re , -er British spellings : -re centre, kilometre, theatre American spellings : -er center, kilometer, theater

Слайд 11

-ise, -ize (-isation, -ization) American spelling : -ize organize, realize, recognize. British spelling : -ize and -ise organize/organise, realize/realise, recognize/recognise.

Слайд 12

American British apartment flat bathroom/restroom toilet can tin candy sweets corn maize elevator lift eraser rubber first floor ground floor flashlight torch garbage can dustbin gas gasoline petrol potato chips crisp soccer football sidewalk pavement

Слайд 13

Grammar Use of the Present Perfect Possession Use of the verb Get Will/Shall Use of prepositions Use of the Subjunctive Collective Nouns Auxiliary verb + do He has gone home. (BE) He went home. OR He has gone home. (AE) Have you got a car? (BE) Do you have a car? OR Have you got a car? (AE) He has got a prize. (BE) He has gotten a prize. (AE) Shall I help you with the homework? (BE) Should I help you with the homework? (AE) at the weekend (BE) She'll be coming home on weekends. (AE) The team is/are going to lose. (BE) The team is going to lose. (AE) May I have a look at your papers? You may (do) (BE) You may. (AE)

Слайд 14

Past tense forms Infinitive Simple past (Br) Simple past (Am) Past participle (Br) Past participle (Am) burn burned/ burnt burned/ burnt burned/ burnt burned/ burnt dream dreamed/ dreamt dreamed/ dreamt dreamed/ dreamt dreamed/ dreamt get got got got gotten lean leaned/ leant leaned leaned/ leant leaned learn learned/ learnt learned learned/ learnt learned

Слайд 15

prove proved proved proved proved/ proven saw sawed sawed sawn sawn/ sawed smell spilled/ spilt smelled smelled/ smelt smelled spill spilled/ spilt spilled spilled/ spilt spilled spoil spoiled/ spoilt spoiled/ spoilt spoiled/ spoilt spoiled/ spoilt wake woke woke/ waked woken woken

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