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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Do you remember comparatives & superlatives?

Слайд 2

Let’s see a comparison b

Слайд 3

Comparative adjective + THAN j younger than j I’m younger than Barbara. Barbara’s more intelligent than Sarah. more intelligent than

Слайд 4

We use Comparatives for… things, people or actions. 2

Слайд 5

Much + Comparative adjective + THAN j younger than j She’s much nicer than her sister. Is Tokyo much more modern than London? more intelligent than Much j Much

Слайд 6

the + Superlative adjective j biggest the j He’s the funniest boy in the class. Which is the tallest building in the world? This is the most interesting idea in the world. the most cheerful

Слайд 7

We use superlatives for… things, people or actions. 3 or more

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Слайд 10

as adjective / adverb as Jim’s as tall as Peter. She runs as fast as Robert. She speaks French as well as you. Jim’s not as tall as Peter. She doesn’t run as fast as Robert. She doesn’t speak French as well as you.

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