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Завантажити презентацію


Завантажити презентацію

Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

BRISTOL Lysenko Polina

Слайд 2

Coat of Arms of the City Council Location of Bristol

Слайд 3

Bristol is the largest city in South West England. It has been an important port and trading centre for 900 years and today it is the cultural and business heart of the West of England with a population of one million.The city is situated on the rivers Frome and Avon.

Слайд 4

Also Bristol is the largest centre of employment and education. Its prosperity has been linked with the sea since its earliest days. The city played an important role in England's maritime trade in tobacco, wine, cotton.

Слайд 5

Interesting places

Слайд 6

Clifton Suspension Bridge Wookey Hole Caves

Слайд 7

Cheddar Gorge Bristol Hippodrome

Слайд 8

Cabot Circus SS Great Britain

Слайд 9

Bristol's street art scene is extremely diverse and has many talented street artists.

Слайд 10

Слайд 11

Завантажити презентацію

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