American Dream
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William Henry Gates was born on the 28th October 1955. At school he was good at Maths and Science.
Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen wrote programs and learned about computers instead of doing their schoolwork.
In 1973 they went to Harvard, America’s most famous university. They wrote operating program for Altair and started Microsoft in 1975.
Microsoft was a business success. The company turned into the world leading corporation producing PC software.
МБОУ «Сош с.Шумейка» Энгельсского района Саратовской области учитель английского языка Дудинская Елена Иосифовна Источники: Кузьмин А.В, Агеев С.В. Тесты по английскому языку: грамматика, лексика, аудирование.- СПб.: КАРО, 2008. Интернет
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