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Презентація на тему:
Alexander Graham Bell

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Alexander Graham Bell

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Alexander Graham Bell Inventor of the Telephone

Слайд 2

Born: March 3, 1847 Parents: Alexander Melville Bell and Elisa Grace Symonds 2 brothers, Melville and Edward Alexander Graham Bell

Слайд 3

Alexander Graham Bell grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland with his family. Childhood

Слайд 4

After Graham was safe from catching the disease, his job led him to be a physiology professor at Boston University in the United States.

Слайд 5

While Bell was in Massachusetts, he invented the harmonic telegraph, an instrument that makes it possible to send multiple telegraphs on one line. Boston University

Слайд 6

On March 7, 1876, Bell recieved his patent for the telephone. The Telephone is Patented

Слайд 7

The Simple Telephone There are three parts to the simple telephone. The Speaker, the Microphone and the Switch, also known as the Hook Switch.

Слайд 8

The Telephone Today Today, phones have been able to get even smaller and even have no cords. In the bottom left, there is a palm pilot that can also be used at a phone. The telephone is a unique piece of equipment. No one can imagine our world without it.

Слайд 9

Alexander Graham Bell grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland with his family. Childhood

Слайд 10

A Sad day in History On August 2, 1922, Alexander Graham Bell died at his home in Baddek Nova Scotia.

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