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Презентація на тему:
degrees of comparison

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degrees of comparison

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Joe, 23 Miley, 20 Ashley, 24 Who is older? Joe is older than Miley. Ashley is older than Joe and Miley. Who is the oldest? Ashley is the oldest.

Слайд 2

Joe, 23 Miley, 20 Ashley, 24 Who is younger? Joe is younger than Ashley. Miley is younger than Joe and Ashley. Who is the youngest? Miley is the youngest.

Слайд 3

short long tall thin fat heavy pretty shorter longer taller thinner fatter heavier prettier the thinnest the longest the tallest the shortest the fattest the heaviest the prettiest big small bigger smaller the biggest the smallest

Слайд 4

Who is taller? Who is the tallest? Who is shorter? Who is the shortest? Who is prettier? Who is the prettiest? Who is thinner? Who is the thinnest? Who is fatter? Who is the fattest?

Слайд 5

Who is more beautiful? Who is more talented? Who is more serious? Who is the most beautiful? Who is the most talented? Who is the most serious?

Слайд 6

good bad little much/many worse less more better the best the worst the least the most

Слайд 7

Who is a better singer? Who is a worse singer? Who has got less hair? Who is the best singer? Who is the worst singer? Who has got the least hair?

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