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Презентація на тему:
Стів Джобс

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Стів Джобс

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Steve Jobs.

Слайд 2

History of creation of the company apple

Слайд 3

The history of this legendary company has begun in far 1970, with two enterprising young men Steve Jobs and Steve Voznjaka, started to trade in the first self-made personal computers. Business has gone uphill and in 1976, having received financing, company Apple has been organized.

Слайд 4

In those of year, personal computers gathered, basically enthusiasts under the various schemes published in magazines. Modular computers, such as Commodore, certainly, too were, but they were on sale, at first, not so in large quantities. And only with an exit of personal computer Apple 2, it was already possible to speak about mass character, after all models of these computers were issued by millions.

Слайд 5

Till 1980, various updatings of successful child Apple ll were on sale basically. In 1980 the new computer from ruler Apple – Apple lll has been let out, but for some reasons its sales were not so successful as its predecessor.

Слайд 6

The history of this legendary company has begun in far 1970, with two enterprising young men Steve Jobs and Steve Voznjaka, started to trade in the first self-made personal computers. Business has gone uphill and in 1976, having received financing, company Apple has been organized.

Слайд 7

In October, 2001, the first has been presented iPod, making deafening success all over the world. By 2007, it has been sold about 110 million players of this company. Same 2007, the company has gone further, having presented to the world the new creation – iPhone 2G, which, already by the developed tradition as has made furor.

Слайд 8

Now the company develops these directions. Worldwide products of this company – computers Macintosh are on sale – now have removed to professional circle of designers and developers. Computers iMac – personal computers for a wide range of consumers. Laptops iBook. Players iPod 6 and 7 generations, and also iPhone 3 and 4 generations.

Слайд 9

Steve Jobs's citations

Слайд 10

"Nobody wants to die. Even people who want to get on heavens do not want to die. And all the same, death – destination for all of us. Anybody never could avoid it. And should be, because Death, probably, the best invention of Life. It – the reason of changes. It clears old to open road to the new. Now new are you, but once (not very much and long remains) – you become old and you will clear. Forgive for such dramatic nature, but it is truth." If you live every day as if it last, sometime you will appear are definitely right

Слайд 11

— There is no such concept as the successful person who has never stumbled and has not committed an error. There are only successful people who have committed errors, but then have changed the plans, being based on these errors. I just one of such guys. — Don't allow noise of another's opinions to interrupt your internal voice. And the most important: have bravery to follow the heart and intuition. They somehow already know the one whom you want to become actually

Слайд 12

You learn that search, when will find. Problem in that I became more senior and has understood that technological novelties aren't capable to change the world really. Excuse, but it is truth. This understanding comes with the advent of children. You are born, grow old, and then die. And so there are many years. And it won't change anything

Слайд 13

Three apples have changed our world: with the first have tempted Eve, the second has woken Newton, and the third has caught sight to Steve Jobs.

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