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Презентація на тему:
Healthy food and our teeth

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Healthy food and our teeth

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Презентація по слайдам:

Слайд 1

Урок 4 клас Коханенко Т.М. Healthy Food and Our Teeth

Слайд 2

”Healthy Food and Healthy Teeth’.”

Слайд 3

“Good health is above wealth”

Слайд 4

Мета уроку: 1.Практична:удосконалювати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, розвивати навички читання і вміння аудіювати текст, активізувати лексико – граматичний матеріал,використовувати вивчений матеріал в інсценуванні казок та віршів. 2.Освітня: поглибити знання учнів про значення їжі у житті людини. 3.Розвивальна:розвивати в учнів увагу, швидку реакцію, зацікавленість, артистичні здібності, уміння логічно мислити, працювати самостійно та в групі, уміння спілкуватись з оточуючими. 4.Виховна: виховувати повагу учнів до їжі та людей різних професій.

Слайд 5

Обладнання уроку: Інтерактивна дошка, тематичні малюнки, роздатковий матеріал, аудіодиск, підручник.

Слайд 6

Who knows other proverbs to our topic?

Слайд 7

And now I have got very funny rhymes for you. I am Sam. I like… I am Bruce. I like… I am Sophie. I like… He is Tony. He likes… She is Betty. She likes… He is Lee. He likes…

Слайд 8

And now we are going to revise the words in a game. We have 2 teams. I have written some letters of the words and your task is to finish these words. The 1st team: 1. p…ssient 2. ho…pital 3. e…am 4. n…rse 5. v…t…mins 6. b…ush The 2nd team: 1. t…otha…he 2. d…ntist 3. Pres…ribe 4. h…althy 5. toothbru…h 6. t…eth

Слайд 9

We know, Becky likes healthy food and Jack likes unhealthy food.

Слайд 10

You should eat a lot of fruit. You shouldn`t drink a cola. Tea Coffee Chocolate Apple juice Fruit Milk Water Bread Cheese Ice-cream Sweets Apples Oranges Bananas Grapes Strawberries Eggs Biscuits Sandwiches Tomatoes Hamburgers Sugar

Слайд 11

Now let`s brush up your knowledge of writing skills. Choose the right word 1. You should eat a lot of sugar/carrots. 2. You shouldn`t/ should do morning exercises. 3. You should visit your dentist once/twice a year. 4. You should brush your teeth from side to side/up and down. 5. You should change your toothbrush once a year/every three months

Слайд 12

We have a guest. She is a doctor- a dentist from our hospital. She has some questions to you.

Слайд 13

Reading Now we are going to read the text. Open your Pupil`s Books at page 36. Your task is to read the text and then join the sentences. There are different parts of the sentences.

Слайд 14

Listening I am thirsty. Would you like some …? No, thanks. Would you like some …? Oh, yes, please! I`m hungry. Is there anything to eat? Would you like a … ? No, thanks. I`d like a … . Cheese? Ham? … and ham, please!

Слайд 15

Project works Your home task was to prepare project works. I think it is high time to listen to them and demonstrate your speaking skills in practice.

Слайд 16

Project works “Healthy and unhealthy food”. “Cleaning teeth”. “Our school canteen”.

Слайд 17

“ Healthy and unhealthy food”  

Слайд 18

“Cleaning teeth”

Слайд 19

“ Food in our school canteen”

Слайд 20

“Which piece is mine?”

Слайд 21

The lesson is over I wish you to be healthy and have smiling faces!!!

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